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Mubaraka Media’s VISION 

Mubaraka Media’s VISION 

Mubaraka Media’s VISION as followers of Jesus the Messiah from many different countries, churches and ministries is BLESSING the 400+ million Arabic-speaking people of MENA through producing and distributing thousands of relevant, engaging videos to be used for evangelizing and discipling millions of Arabic-speakers across the MENA region. 

Mubaraka Media’s VISION as followers of Jesus the Messiah from many different countries, churches and ministries is BLESSING the 400+ million Arabic-speaking people of MENA through producing and distributing thousands of relevant, engaging videos to be used for evangelizing and discipling millions of Arabic-speakers across the MENA region. 


Mubaraka Media’s VISION as followers of Jesus the Messiah from many different countries, churches and ministries is BLESSING the 400+ million Arabic-speaking people of MENA through producing and distributing thousands of relevant, engaging videos to be used for evangelizing and discipling millions of Arabic-speakers across the MENA region. 


is equipping and empowering local Arabic-speaking followers of JESUS CHRIST to use their own smartphones to produce and distribute relevant, engaging video content for communicating the love, forgiveness and new life that results from receiving JESUS the MESSIAH as SAVIOR and LORD.    




Finishing our Great Commission assignment from our Lord Jesus to reach ALL the peoples of MENA.


Prayer. Continuous prayer. Abiding prayer. Fasting and prayer. Warfare prayer. For ALL of the peoples in MENA.


Servant-hearted partnership and leadership that gives freely and empowers others to become successful in their ministries. (Special thanks to Phil Butler’s  “Partnership Essentials” of Synergy Commons, given at Blue Med 2016).


Prioritizing rescuing ALL the lost “sheep” in MENA who are outside the sheepfold, trapped in the consequences of their own sin and the sin of their fathers,   even if it means leaving the comfort of the sheepfold.


Multiplying Mindset.  Following the examples of Jesus our Lord, the apostle Paul, and others by thinking and acting in ways that entrust the vision and mission to other faithful men and women who will also multiply to bless ALL the peoples of MENA (2 Timothy 2:2).



Servant-hearted collaboration and leadership that gives freely, and that empowers others to become successful in their ministries, will be the method and the measure of “Mubaraka Media’s” success in the sight of God our Father.  Jesus our Lord and Messiah astonished everyone when he came as a humble, sacrificial servant instead of as a master, expecting and demanding others to serve Him. Philippians 2:5-8.


Equipping and empowering creativity and servant leadership among local Arabic-speaking believers. Empowering ongoing creativity through collaboration with an online community of over 500 Christian creatives who are also seeking to use and improve their God-given talents and gifts to glorify God through filmmaking and all the aspects that this involves: animations, illustrations, writing, music, etc.

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