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Partnering Together


Mubaraka Media relies upon filmmaking trainees, teams, training facilitators, influencers, partners, and sponsors to rapidly spread the number and various types of videos needed to reach the MENA region.

Initially, our LORD JESUS and His disciples used their lips and feet to spread the GOOD NEWS. Now, print, art, radio, TV and the Internet are also being used spread the GOSPEL.


“Mubaraka Media” is a critically important project because the vast majority of the more than 400 million Arab-speakers in today’s world communicate, study, share information and enjoy entertainment via video media on their smartphones, rather than through print media.

Due to this shift away from reading printed material toward watching videos, video media needs to become an important primary medium for evangelism, discipleship and multiplication. It is one of the key ingredients for improving the fruitfulness of our online and in-person evangelism, discipleship and leadership development.

In addition to being engaging, sharable, cost-effective and efficient, sharing video media online uses a direct, invitational approach to evangelism and discipleship, thus minimizing defensive or aggressive responses.


Any committed Christian, having a reference from their pastor or ministry leader, is eligible to apply for our Frontier Filmmaking Online Training.

Graduates of the FFSO are invited to join the Campfire Creatives online community of over 500 Christian creatives. This will enable them to have continuous Christian community, learning, and collaboration on each other’s projects, which include all aspects of filmmaking, photography, animation, illustration, graphic arts, etc.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves he should do it with the strength God provides so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever.” Amen” – 1 Peter 4:10-11

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