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Film Stories

“Jesus used stories to tell the crowds all these things.
He never told them anything without illustrating it with a story.”  – Matthew 13:34

Since Jesus used stories for gaining access into new communities, evangelism and discipleship, we should as well. Stories can capture the attention and fuel the imagination of the listeners. A good story can motivate the listeners to change their way of thinking as well as change their behavior.

“Inside each of us is a natural-born storyteller, waiting to be released.” - Robin Moore

The Frontier Filmmaking Seminar Online is a powerful course for learning how to tell a compelling story using one’s personal Smartphone or camera, and then sharing it with an audience of listeners.

Film Ideas for Evangelism, Discipleship and Servant Leadership

  • Offering prayer for whatever a viewer requests. Advertisements for this on social media get the most number of responses than any other type of Gospel advertisement.

  • Sharing the Gospel, answering common questions and objections, "You have heard it said... but I say to you..."

  • Sharing personal testimonies of Arabic-speaking believers in MENA telling their story.(Showing their faces or using their voices is optional.  Other video, voices and slideshows can be utilized in place of real faces and voices.)

  • Offering prayer and counsel for loneliness, provision, protection, healing and deliverance.

  • Offering Biblical solutions to the most common internet search items which reveal what people are searching for on the internet. For example, words such as football, prayer, Zodiac, and dream interpretation can all be used to lead seekers to the Bible and to Jesus.

  • Re-telling classic stories and fables with a moral or spiritual lesson, "Joha" stories, etc.

Opening Doors through Community, Family, & Educational resources

Can you imagine 462 new believers in Jesus in three months using media? How did this happen? In this video you will learn how a group of disciple makers gained simple video skills that enabled them to produce their own short videos which they used as door openers into new unreached areas. They produced practical videos that demonstrated how to grow fish in a barrel, which created opportunities for these Muslim background believers to share the life changing love of Christ with people who had never heard of Jesus.


The Gospel is spreading in regions where groups of Christians are training and sending out incarnational workers who establish new relationships of trust and respect. This gives them opportunities to find people of peace and to begin making disciples of Jesus.


Establishing new relationships of trust and respect is typically done by discovering areas of felt need within unreached, unengaged communities.  This is followed by incarnationally offering to help these communities with new skills and resources that can help them meet their felt needs.


Numerous examples, case studies and resources for expanding access into the Frontier People Groups of the Middle East and North Africa will be collected and shared within the Mubaraka Media community.

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